Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Insight Software, a company that has united IT experts and scientists

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If you want to develop your company, you should choose the right programme for storage and receiving the necessary information.

Such programs and applications are developed by IT specialists.

Insight Software Edinburgh Ltd. is a company whose history demonstrates how to successfully unite talented people. Even though it specialises in software, its team consists of not only IT specialists but also scientists. Intrigued? Then let’s start reading the article.


The company was founded in 2015. At first, it specialised in consulting. However, its specialists continued their development and training. As a result, they managed to create a unique software programme, which later began to be used even in the state sector.

Disparate data sets obtained from different sources allowed the creation of a single programme, which became the starting point for the incredibly successful development of the company.

Unique programme

We are talking about the Rail BI platform, which facilitates fast, accurate and clear business case generation for railway industry managers. Probably, at first glance, such a course of events may seem strange to the reader. After all, it may seem that software and railways are unrelated spheres. However, the railway industry indeed needs modern programmes for efficient work and development.

While developing the platform, the company’s specialists used operational data provided by the railway managers.

According to Derek Patterson, Currie & Brown cost planning manager, such a platform helps interact with industry data. It contributes to making complex decisions in the field of railway technology.

In particular, thanks to the built-in functional improvements, users can create individual cost profiles for each project.

Therefore, Rail BI is an excellent tool for early design research.

Unusual team

Of course, every company needs a team of specialists. Those people should love their business to breathe life into an organisation, making it attractive to customers and thus successful.

Interestingly, the Edinburgh company’s team consists not only of IT people. It also includes physicists. Yes, you were not mistaken. Physic scientists in tandem with computer specialists manage to develop quality software. Moreover, they actively fight against stereotypes and go beyond all limitations associated with traditional corporate software.

Non-stop development

Another unchanging feature of the company is constant improvement. Thanks to the fact that the team doesn’t stop learning and improving their skills, they manage to create programmes adapted to the individual needs of users. Modern technologies and software are real helpers in this matter.

Moreover, the company’s products are often created thanks to the close cooperation of scientists and IT specialists.

Thus, modern IT companies prove that talented specialists can successfully cooperate to achieve a common goal, such as the creation of an interesting project. In turn, innovative ideas contribute to technological development and the emergence of companies that will ensure growth and improvement.

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