Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Edinburgh’s most interesting startups: from technology to environment and investment

The technological sphere amazes us with its incredible development. Moreover, sometimes, the progress is so fast that it seems that it is driven not by a person but by a robot. However, artificial intelligence really makes it possible to create something unique without human participation.

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Therefore, AI doesn’t cease to attract the attention of IT specialists. After all, in addition to the implementation and simplification of routine tasks, it contributes to the development of important projects. The latter are often recognised at the international level, receiving funding for development as well as valuable awards.

It isn’t surprising that such rapid development results in the emergence of interesting startups.

In this article, you can learn about the most interesting IT startups in Edinburgh. You will probably be surprised by the variety of directions and spheres that have been promoted thanks to their implementation.

So get comfortable and enjoy reading our article. You will definitely be interested. We have no doubt. After all, such information will attract the attention of even those readers who are very far from the field of technology and everything related to it. 

1. A project that helps in patients’ rehabilitation

ΒioLiberty is a biotech startup founded in 2020. It helps to cope with degenerative and traumatic conditions.

At the beginning of 2023, the company received a grant for the development of a unique device. This is a robotic glove that has been created by scientists for people who have lost mobility in upper limbs. In particular, it concerns patients who have suffered a stroke.

2. A startup that assesses product’s impact on the climate

Looper is software that helps such specialists as architects, manufacturers and consultants determine how certain projects and finished products affect the climate.

Once the carbon impact of a specific project is quantified and visualised, specialists begin to develop a strategy that will reduce emissions.

Looper was presented at CivTech Demo Day. The visitors of that event wanted to learn more about projects (created by Edinburgh IT artists) that can help solve important problems related to ecology.

3. Ecological and technological project

Bennu.ai is an Edinburgh-based startup that helps businesses reduce carbon emissions.

The company was founded in 2021. It developed an intelligent waste bin that automatically sorts rubbish.

The operation of a smart waste bin, called Janus, is based on the latest sensors, which have been developed by the company too. The sensors are responsible for sorting the waste, guaranteeing that everything subject to recycling will be processed.

As a result, the founder of the startup, Jonathan Feldstein, was presented with the Growth Innovation Award during the Inspire Launch Grow ceremony.

4. A startup, which will tell you more about whiskey

Βevvy is a startup that combines technology and whiskey. Yes, it is not a mistake! It is about one of the gastronomic attractions of Scotland.

We’re talking about a platform that helps you learn more about whiskey.

Their programme can easily scan and identify whiskey bottles via an Android/iOS app and your smartphone camera.

After that, it creates a kind of profile of the given drink, telling you the number of the barrel and bottle as well as its tasting notes.

The company was founded in 2021 by Lucas Heron and Laurie Black. According to them, their startup is used by tens of thousands of people every month.

5. An automating project

DeepQA is a rather unusual startup.

It promotes the use of artificial intelligence to automate the software testing process. It allows companies to focus developer resources on more complex problems and tasks.

The founders of the startup, Thomas Cartwright and Marise Treseder, studied artificial intelligence at the University of Edinburgh. Therefore, they managed to successfully develop their startup without the involvement of outside specialists.

Thomas and Marise had the opportunity to present their product to the public at the Venture Builder Incubator Showcase. The event was held at the Scottish National Gallery.

DeepQA was awarded the Judges Choice Award.

6. A startup that made investing easier

Nova Finance is an unusual startup created in 2021. It is a non-storage programmable asset protocol for decentralised finance or DeFi.

According to the idea of ​​the founders, the goal of the startup is to help users in the development of portfolio investments. At the same time, it automated complex profitability and investment strategies. This factor greatly simplifies the task for its users.

Tom Sichel, one of the founders of Nova Finance, explains that this startup is making a whole set of really complex financial skills available to every user.

As you know, financing is a very important component of startup implementation. In this part, Nova Finance was lucky and in 2021, it received $3 million. Explaining the importance of this project, Sichel noted that attracting capital is quite a difficult task in today’s world. Therefore, most people are very cautious in the crypto space. However, with investment in place, you can create your own road map.

The mentioned startup can help you in this regard.

Thus, modern IT startups contribute to the significant development of humankind. No matter how strange it sounds, technologies often offer smart ways to solve environmental problems that have worried specialists around the world for decades.

Returning to the IT sphere, it is important to emphasise that such projects bring the technology sphere to a new level. IT allows the technology industry to develop much better, offering new projects capable of solving the most important problems.

At the same time, thanks to such startups, people are developing too. Using these programs, platforms and services, everyone can improve the state of their own capital, learn how to invest correctly and easily, test software or learn more about a specific product.

In addition, successful startups are setting a great example for developers who hesitate in their own abilities and can’t take the plunge in creating their own projects. This is especially true for newcomers who don’t have much experience. Therefore, the benefit of startups also lies in supporting and encouraging other specialists.

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