Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Skyscanner, the story of a well-known Edinburgh IT company and its flagship product

IT is a very interesting sphere. In addition, this area is quite profitable. Therefore, institutions that provide IT education are in great demand among young people around the world.

Learn more at edinburgh-future.

Edinburgh has many talented IT professionals and local unique IT companies and projects prove it.

One of them is Skyscanner, a well-known Edinburgh company created by three IT specialists.

In this article, you can learn more about this organization and the history of its creation.


Three IT specialists, Gareth Williams, Barry Smith and Bonamy Grimes, founded Skyscanner in 2003.

They put forward an interesting idea.

The founders wanted to develop a web search system for air transportation. The programme would provide users with flight data.

The specialists successfully coped with the implementation of this idea.

Its first version was presented to the world in 2002. A year after the company was founded, Gareth, Barry and Bonamy hired their first employee for the development of the website.

Interesting detail

Gareth Williams can be considered the main initiator of the idea. Being a fan of skiing, he faced difficulties in finding cheap airline tickets to ski resorts.

Thus, Gareth decided that having created a new system, he could simplify the difficult search for the right and affordable ticket.


Initially, the system users could find flights operated by European low-cost airlines only. However, later, the developers expanded their database and started to offer information about flights by major European carriers.

Still, the creators decided not to stop there and also expanded their geographical coverage. Thus, they included world flights, in particular, to Canada and the USA.

Further events

In September 2019, the company experienced global rebranding.

When a full-scale war broke out on the territory of Ukraine in 2022, the creators of Skyscanner expressed their solidarity and support by removing from their system information on air tickets on domestic Russian flights and shipments to Russia from other countries.

Important point

The company didn’t foresee and didn’t plan the sale of air tickets. Therefore, the mentioned system can’t be used for this.


The service includes the possibility of automatic redirection of the user to the website of a specific travel agency or airline where they can book tickets.


Particular attention should be paid to the operation of the system. After all, the company has developed a unique technology of data indexing. Thanks to this, the search became incomparably faster. 

The company has thought through everything to the smallest detail, so you don’t have to collect information from other sites during each search. Everything is done by the system.

Thus, modern IT companies not only ensure the sustainable development of the technological industry but also make the lives of ordinary people much easier. For example, the Skyscanner company reduced the amount of time and effort needed to find information about flights because their product quickly provides users with all the necessary data.

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