Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Craigmillar Castle, a gem of old Scottish architecture

Edinburgh’s architecture is impressive. It seems that each building there saw key historical events and had the honour of welcoming the most famous people of the past.

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Craigmillar Castle is one of those beautiful and historical landmarks. This place is truly fascinating and can transport you to the past.


The history of this amazing castle began in the 12th century when King David I gave these lands to the monks of Dunfermline Abbey.

In 1342, King David II granted a part of the plot to the Preston family. In 1374, Robert II decided to give the rest of the territory to Simon de Preston. The heirs of this family started work on the creation of the tower, which later became a key part of the castle. Its construction was completely completed in 1425.

Further events

The outer courtyard of the castle was created around 1511. During the plague outbreak in Edinburgh in the autumn of 1517, James V was lodged in Craigmillar Castle, since this place was considered safer.

As a result of the events of May 1544, Edinburgh was sacked and burned and the castle was also seriously damaged. Subsequently, Simon Preston, who for several years held the position of Lord Provost of Edinburgh, was engaged in the repair and restoration of the building.

Diseases and murders

Her Majesty Queen Mary has also stayed at Craigmillar Castle twice.

In the autumn of 1563, she held a meeting there with Thomas Randolph, the Earl of Moray and William Maitland. From November 20 to December 7, 1566, she lived in the castle, coming to her senses after depression, which was the result of a serious illness she suffered in October of the same year.

During the events of the Marian Civil War (1568–1573), Captain Melville and two of his soldiers were killed on the territory of the castle. This happened on June 2, 1571, due to the explosion of a gunpowder barrel.

When the situation began to heat up and events moved to the siege of Edinburgh Castle, Craigmillar Castle served as a base with stables for light cavalry soldiers.

New owner

The heirs of the Preston family ended their ownership of the castle in 1660. Then the castle was sold to John Gilmour. He owned the neighbouring estate The Inch.

John decided to make some changes to Craigmillar Castle and add modern details. However, at the beginning of the 18th century, Gilmour and his family left the castle.

Later, the structure became sort of a decoration of the Inch estate park. By 1775, the building had already been ruined. However, it attracted many tourists and artists. So, from the end of the 18th century, Craigmillar Castle has become a popular attraction.

Royal visit

In 1842, Queen Victoria put forward a proposal to carry out major repairs in the castle. Unfortunately, such an idea wasn’t implemented.

Nevertheless, Her Majesty didn’t forget about this unique building and decided to visit it in 1886. To the queen’s surprise, the castle was completely restored. Walter James Little Gilmour, the owner of the object at the time, was responsible for such a serious and difficult process.

State care

Very often, buildings of great historical value come under the official control of the country, in which they are actually located. Craigmillar Castle is no exception. It was handed over to state care in 1946. The castle is included in the register of old architectural monuments and Historic Environment Scotland plays a big role in its support. It is a special body dedicated to the research, preservation and promotion of Scottish historic sites.

Craigmillar Castle is of immense value to Scotland’s architectural heritage. This building is a reminder of the most important and written-about events of the past.

The very image of the castle is associated with the amazing history of Edinburgh. Therefore, it seems every stone there is literally soaked with the greatness and incredible wisdom of the people who stood at the origins of the development of this unique city.

Fortunately, Craigmillar Castle has been successfully preserved to this day. Without any exaggeration, it can be considered the surviving witness of the past. Therefore, it attracts thousands of tourists, eager to see the history with their own eyes. It’s not surprising because such objects are real architectural gems, which continue to fascinate, inspire and surprise people throughout the ages.

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